Help César to hold his breakfast

About César 

My name is Cesar Monteiro Oliveira Pinto, I am 35 years old. 4 years ago, I was victim of a stroke in the middle of a soccer game. During my hospitalization, I underwent many operations, followed by 6 months in rehabilitation at the hospital Beau-Sejour, where I fought body and soul to recover a maximum of autonomy. During my hospitalization, I became a father and that helped me a lot in my desire to succeed. I am currently hemiplegic and aphasic. I managed to move around with an orthosis and I was able to quickly leave my wheelchair behind. However, I unfortunately no longer have the use of my right arm and I no longer speak or write. We have found our method to try to understand each other as well as possible, but it is still quite difficult because of the complexity of things. At the moment, I have the chance to go to a disability center four times a week. This allows me to keep in touch with others, to share a lot of good moments with people with more or less important handicaps. 


I would like to have a solution to regain some mobility in my arm, to find a little more independence. I would like to be able to do things with my arm, which is currently not useful. I would dream of being able to hold my bread at breakfast so that I can spread it, and at mealtime, to hold my meat so that I can my meat to be able to cut it or to hold my bottle to be able to open it, which is currently impossible for me.

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