Help Christophe to read

About Christophe

Christophe Michon, born in 1970, is from Geneva, Switzerland, and has origins from Marseille. He suffers from left hemineglect following a stroke in January 2005. In addition to this, his right eye is totally blind and he has lost the use of his left arm. Before his accident, reading was one of his favorite pastimes. Christophe has been working in Geneva as a journalist for more than 10 years in the Synergies sector of the Foyer-Handicap Foundation. He conducts interviews and actively participates in the writing and editing of articles.


Reading is very complicated for me, I have difficulty visualizing words on the left, I often lose track when I have to return to the line. My visual problems prevent me from seeing the characters if they are too small. Also, since I can no longer use my left arm, it is very difficult to hold a book with one hand and turn the pages.

I would like to find a device that would make reading easier for me, which was one of my favorite pastimes. It opened my mind and my imagination to the world. Reading also gives me good French and spelling skills.