Flo wants a device to pick up objects from the floor.
About Flo
Flo has been active in the field of assistive devices for a long time and has been awarded twice as CYBATHLON winner in the discipline Wheelchair. He needs his wheelchair because he has paralysis in his arms, hands and legs since a motorcycle accident. Flo used to work outside on construction sites, but today he works as a construction planner. Flo hasn't much time for hobbies for a year and a half - since then his twins have kept him constantly on the go.
At family lunch, the twins like to drop a cup on the floor, and while playing, the building blocks sometimes topple over. In these situations, Flo is too high in his wheelchair to reach the objects on the ground, therefore he cannot pick them up and they often remain their. Therefore, Flo wants a device that enables him to pick up objects from the floor.
In response to Flo's needs, the team developed a customized gripper solution. This modified gripper features a small motor triggered by a button within Flo's limited hand movement range. The gripper, usually affixed to his wheelchair, incorporates a clever connection mechanism, allowing Flo to put it on himself independently. An accompanying arm cuff, designed for easy self-application, complements the overall user experience. The technical details of the gripper include the use of an Arduino for control, 3D printing for housing components, and a customized orthopaedic arm cuff to ensure freedom of movement. The gripper is magnetically fixed to the wheelchair, providing a secure storage when not in use.
Upon using the first prototype of the gripper, Flo was delighted to prove that he could pick a doll up from the floor. While he noted that the current prototype is slightly bulky, he successfully put it on himself. Looking ahead, future plans for Flo’s project include refining the prototype to enhance reliability and reduce its size, so that he can finally use it at home. The team is dedicated to optimizing the gripper's design for a more streamlined user experience. Additionally, they plan to implement a more secure fixture on the wheelchair for added convenience.