Build a solution to help Noor lift dumbells

A young woman with brown hair and brown skin. She is wearing glasses and a blue shirt, and smiling to the camera.

About Noor

My name is Noor. I am a software engineer by profession at CERN. I was born with a condition called ectrodactyly on my left hand which limits me from having a firm grip on some everyday objects.


I enjoy exercising and I have been hitting the gym for quite a few years. However, I am limited to doing only cardio exercises without equipment. I am always devoid of strength training which requires me to lift heavy objects like dumbells, barbells, kettlebells, etc. It is pretty inconvenient due to my disability as it is not possible to balance the weight on my two hands which can end up hurting and is also quite dangerous.
I am looking for a solution that will allow me to hold the strength training equipment with a firm grip and thereby not hurt myself. 

Here is the link to the document where I will keep adding more information about the challenge.

I look forward to building the solution with all of you. 



The team developed an array of different modules to help her grasp heavy objects, hold dumbbells, cut things, bike and brake, swim, etc. using mainly 3D printing technology and a lot of creativity. The final solution, the “super solution” includes all the different modules.

Noor showing the "super solution" fixed on her arm.
The different modules developed by Noor and her team.
A close-up of the "super solution".